Even though it seems like thanks and acknowledgments for good deeds are in short supply, God notices them. When you feel like giving up because gratitude eludes you, remember that God is delighted with your efforts. Don't stop showing kindness because you feel unappreciated; the author of good things appreciates you very much.
Failure to Launch: The Parenting Choices That Shape Narcissism
My wish is that parents not only learn to recognize the traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder early on, and stop it before it is too late. I know for me, personally, I didn't realize what a crucial developmental stage a child transitioning into adulthood really is and how a parent's response during this stage plays a main role in whether a child is a narcissist or not.
Parental enabling can play a significant role in reinforcing or diminishing narcissistic traits in a child that is transitioning into an adult. NARCISSISTIC TENDENCIES CAN DEVELOP EARLY, BUT WHETHER THEY SOLIDIFY INTO A LASTING PERSONALITY PATTERN CAN BE INFLUENCED BY HOW A PARENT RESPONDS TO A CHILD TRANSITIONING INTO ADULTHOOD.
When a parent enables their adult child who exhibits narcissistic traits by continually providing financial support, shelter, or any other resources, without encouraging independence they are essentially preventing the child from growing into a responsible adult, as well as reinforcing the narcissist's sense of entitlement and dependency.
Instead of encouraging independence or responsibility, this support often leads the narcissist to believe they're entitled to permanent assistance without reciprocation or accountability. When a child fails to transition or mature, it is called "Failure To Launch" or "Peter Pan Syndrome".
Parents need to understand the difference between truly helping their child and unintentionally causing harm. While showing tough love can be painful for a parent, it’s often the most meaningful gift they can give. Setting boundaries and teaching resilience may feel difficult now, but it’s a form of love that supports a child’s growth in ways that go far beyond what many parents realize.
Allowing a teenage child to do nothing while still giving them everything they want is not an act of love—it’s a form of neglect disguised as kindness. True love involves guiding a child toward responsibility, resilience, and independence, even when it’s uncomfortable or met with resistance. When parents enable laziness or entitlement, they unintentionally teach their child that effort and accountability don’t matter, undermining the child’s ability to succeed and thrive as an adult. This isn’t love; it’s setting the child up for a future of dependency and dissatisfaction, robbing them of the confidence and skills they need to navigate life.
Unfortunately, choosing a temporary solution for comfort can lead to lasting consequences. You can either show tough love and do what’s right, or risk creating a narcissist who will depend on you indefinitely for support.
The destructive impact of a person with narcissistic personality disorder is someone driven by jealousy, entitlement, & a need for power-especially when lacking empathy and plagued by low self esteem can ripple through the lives of others leaving behind manipulation, emotional harm, and broken trust. Since most narcissists are cowards, they rarely, if ever, take accountability for this behavior instead they shift blame onto those closest to them or deny their actions to protect their fragile self image.